PDF copy of this policy.
Part 1. Policy Statement: Rochester Community and Technical College requires immunization verification for students as defined by Minnesota Law (M.S. 134A.14).
Part 2. Rationale or Purpose: Minnesota Law M.S. 135A. 14 requires proof that all students born after 1956 are vaccinated against diphtheria, tetanus, measles, mumps, and rubella, allowing for certain specific exemptions (see verification form.) This policy applies to all students attending Rochester Community and Technical College.
Part 3. Scope: This policy applies to all students attending Rochester Community and Technical College
Part 4. Definition:
Tetanus/diphtheria (Td) (at least one dose required within past 10 years.)
Measles/mumps/rubella (MMR) (at least one dose required at or after 12 months of age.)
Part 5. Procedures:
- Immunization Verification Forms are distributed through admission packets to all non-exempt students.
- Students are allowed to register for their initial term without complete immunization information on file. If complete information is not on file with the Registration within 45 days of the start of the initial enrollment term, a hold is placed on the student’s file.
- Registration for more than one class following term(s) is not allowed with this hold in place.
- The hold is removed when completed information is on file in the Registration office.
- Immunization records are kept for one year from the date they are received.
- Students are encouraged to keep a copy of their immunization information for their own records.
The Registration Office monitors compliance and notifies students who have not fulfilled the requirements.
Part 6. Forms:
- Immunization form and instructions located at: http://zoh9.xlhl.net/services/health/required-immunization/
Date of Implementation: Summer, 2001
Date of Adoption: June 7, 1997
Revisions Adopted: 3/27/01; 4/23/13; 5/24/17
Responsible Division: STUDENT AFFAIRS